Maple and Garlic Dorper Lamb Loin Saddle with Green Beans


  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 10 sprigs Lemon thyme
  • Black pepper
  • Sea salt
  • 250ml maple syrup
  • 500g green beans or snow peas
  • 4 Dutch Cream Potatoes
  • 250g butter


  • Pre-heat oven 140 degrees
  • Grate garlic into bowl
  • Add lemon thyme sprigs to garlic
  • Add pepper and salt to taste
  • Add maple syrup and combine well
  • Place Loin Saddle onto baking tray and score across the top of the saddle
  • Add half of the marinate to the back part of the saddle and roll and turn face up onto the tray and add remaining marinated over the top part of the saddle
  • Place into pre heated oven for 45mins
  • Prepare greens and potatoes while saddle is cooking
  • Onced cooked let Saddle rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing

Beans or Peas

  • Steam or lightly sautee in pan
  • Cut 125g butter into cubes and put over greens
  • Grind salt and pepper to taste


  • Cut potatoes into 2cm cubes cook just in water until knife can go through them
  • Drain water off potatoes and leave lid on
  • add 125g cubed butter, pepper & salt to taste
  • let sit with lid on until butter has melted and stir through
  • serve with beans/peas and saddle
  • using a spoon drizzle the remaining marinade from saddle over served lamb

Beans or Peas

  • Cut 125g butter into cubes and put over greens
  • Grind salt and pepper to taste
  • Salute lightly in a heated pan.

Serves 4-5 people

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