Local Dorper Lamb Privacy Policy

July 2023

1. Introduction

Local Dorper Lamb provides selections of the best and most popular Dorper lamb products, from hampers for any occasion to specific cuts that have been hand-picked by us personally. The privacy and security of our audience and clients are of paramount importance, so we’re committed to protecting the data you share with us. This privacy policy explains how Local Dorper Lamb processes information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual (‘personal data’) collected through the use of our website and services.

For the purposes of this policy, the term ‘visitor’ will be used to encompass all types of people interacting with Local Dorper Lamb, including site visitors, clients and customers.

Any information stored by Local Dorper Lamb is treated as confidential. All information is secured and accessed only by authorised personnel, with appropriate security measures in place to protect against breach or loss.

2. Collection and use

2.1 Email and personal details

If you are a visitor to our website, you may be offered various downloads, offers or services. Should you choose to access a part of Local Dorper Lamb that is not freely available, e.g. a lead-gen offer or paid product, you will be asked to provide your email address and agree to receive ongoing (relevant) communications. If you do not grant the requested consent, accessing the special offers may not be possible.

Depending on which offer you are accessing, your data will be processed in one or more of the following ways:

  • Added to the Local Dorper Lamb’s email marketing list on Mail Chimp, who themselves adhere to privacy laws with strong security. When you open or click links in our emails, your action will be automatically noted so that Local Dorper Lamb can serve you better.
  • At no time are credit card details processed by Local Dorper Lamb itself, nor are they stored on the Local Dorper Lamb host server.
2.2 Cookies

Cookies are temporary, small pieces of information sent to a visitor’s hard disk. They can’t run programs or deliver viruses, nor can they track your behaviour in alarming ways. The Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics are both cookies used by Local Dorper Lamb, exclusively for the purpose of tracking which pages on the P Local Dorper Lamb website you have visited and for how long. These types of cookies are used by Local Dorper Lamb to ensure we deliver content our visitors enjoy and find useful, as well as to create effective marketing campaigns.

If you are on Facebook or Instagram, they may result in you being shown our ads.

Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may reset your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies generally. Most browsers offer instructions on how to do so in the ‘Help’ section of the toolbar.

2.3 Links to other sites

Please be aware that when we link to other sites outside Local Dorper Lamb, they are outside our sphere of influence. We cannot be held responsible for their content, nor their privacy policies.

2.4 Right to review and update

If you wish to inquire about your personal data held by Local Dorper Lamb, please contact us.

3. Retention and deletion

3.1 Automated unsubscribe

At the bottom of every email sent by Local Dorper Lamb, you will see an ‘unsubscribe’ link. This instantly stops all automated communications to you from Local Dorper Lamb, including support for paid products and services.

3.2 Manual unsubscribe

If you are a client of Local Dorper Lamb and we have a working relationship, hitting unsubscribe does not cease communications, particularly if we are mid-project. These are normal professional communications and will cease at the completion of the project.

3.3 Right to be forgotten

You have the right to request ALL your data is stripped of personal identifiers. As a general subscriber, this means you’d be deleted from the list.

4. Information from children

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. Our offerings are generally not designed for or directed to children and are only for use by individuals who are 18 years and older. On our website, we do not collect personal data from any person we actually know is under the age of 18. In the online space particularly, parents or guardians are urged to participate in their children’s exploration of the Internet and to teach their children about protecting their personal information while online.

5. Acceptance of these conditions

We have the right to assume all visitors have carefully read this policy, particularly when they are explicitly agreeing to its terms. If someone does not agree with this policy, they should refrain from using our website or offers. We have the right to update our privacy policy as necessary, and this will be reflected with versioning details as per the top of this policy.

6. Sharing of personal information

At no time other than disclosed above (for required processing) will we share your data. This includes selling or renting it to third parties.

7. Our legal obligation to disclose personal information

We will reveal a visitor’s personal information without their permission only when we are required to do so by law.

8. Further information or action

If you have questions regarding Local Dorper Lamb’s privacy policy, then please contact us.

Shop our favourites

Taster Pack

Not sure what to order? Try our Taster Pack. It’s the best introduction to Dorper.

Family Pack

Our Dorper Lamb Family Pack has all you need to feed everyone at the table, twice.

Entertainer Pack

Fancy yourself a Masterchef? Our Entertainer Pack can impress any table of judges.

Build Your Own

Pick all your favorites and create your own Local Droper Lamb pack.


“Best tasting lamb I’ve had to date – the quality is amazing!! Each cut I’ve had (nearly all of them) has been so flavoursome. My favourite has been the slow-cooked lamb shoulder in their pasture-raised, grass-fed tallow. I love their seaweed fertiliser too for the gardens; it’s like nothing else I’ve used.” – Jordan Cousins


“Warren and Marina produce the tastiest lamb and offer a friendly local service through the markets. It’s great to talk directly to the people who raise and look after the sheep, local lamb at its best.” – Thomas Scott


“I Love purchasing Local Dorper Lamb’s products at the Ballina Farmers Market at Missingham by the Sea on Sundays. Warren and Marina are extremely nice to talk to and learn about their farm. The taste of their lamb is like none other. So tender and flavourful! Plus, they have such a variety for any type of occasion, but my favourite would either be low and slow on charcoal BBQ or a Shank in the Slow Cooker!” – Alexander Sharkey


“Great local product, a full, rich flavour and not too fatty. The eye fillets, rumps and mince are all wonderful. Love buying local too!” – Helen McDonough


“I had your lamb for the first time this week! A lamb leg roast and some beautiful ribs. I’ve never had lamb or any kind of meat with such depth of flavour, you can taste the care that has gone into these animals. Your ethical farming practises are reflected in the lamb, and I cannot wait until my next purchase.” – Larissa


“Just wanted to say, that was the most delicious lamb chops we have ever had.” – Kristin Bass